Method of machining
Plunge milling by vertical feed of a stock 2 details simultaneously with special form milling cutters, here a machined surface profile is a sphere having a set radius. Scheme of shaping of adapter 50.194.00507 machined surface (see sheet 6).
Volume of improvement of the machine
To provide machining an adapter by a.m. method it is necessary to execute an improvement of machine УФ5144 in the following volume:
1) to equip a turntable with a dividing device and a clamp;
2) to equip a stock with the guides and controlled feeds drive having rapid travel and working feed (1st version – to use available hydraulic cylinder; 2nd version – to embed a lead screw (roll-screw gear), a reducer, ac servo drive;
3) to install a 6-place device (is not included in a delivery set) on a table;
4) to replace dc motor by asynchronous one with frequency inverter;
5) to run the machine in an aggregative mode (positioning a table with reverse, a stock feed and withdrawal with feed speed change) for the purpose of reliability rise a relay-contact control installation is replaced by a programmable controller.
6) to design and to fabricate a set of special form milling cutters.
Technical characteristic
1. Speed of a table set rotation, mm/min per 2000 |
5000 |
2. Stationing time, sec |
30 |
3. Power of a table rotation motor, kW |
3,5 |
4. Speed of a stock set travel, mm/min |
500 |
5. Speed of a stock working feed, mm/min |
25…200 |
6. Spindles rotation frequency, rpm |
80...125 |
7. Diameter of form milling cutters, mm |
320 |